Function subtract

  • Arbitrary subtract one value from another.

    If the value l is of type Date, subtracts r units from it. t becomes the unit. For example subtract(dt, 3, 'week') will subtract 3 (r = 3) weeks (t= 'week') from dt.

    If l is of type numeric, t is ignored. In this case if r is of type string, it is assumed to be percentage (whether or not it includes %). For example subtract(30, 10) will give 20 and subtract(30, '10') will give 27.

    They also generate strange results if l is a string.




    • l: any

      the value to modify

    • r: any

      the amount by which to modify the value

    • Optional t: any

      if l is a Date, then this should be a d3 time interval. For backward compatibility with dc.js 2.0, it can also be the name of an interval, i.e. 'millis', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', or 'year'

    Returns any

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