import {hierarchy, partition} from 'd3-hierarchy'; import {ascending, min, sum} from 'd3-array'; import {arc} from 'd3-shape'; import {select} from 'd3-selection'; import {interpolate} from 'd3-interpolate'; import {transition} from '../core/core'; import {filters} from '../core/filters'; import {utils, pluck} from '../core/utils'; import {d3compat} from '../core/config'; import {events} from '../core/events'; import {ColorMixin} from '../base/color-mixin'; import {BaseMixin} from '../base/base-mixin'; import {constants} from '../core/constants'; import {BadArgumentException} from '../core/bad-argument-exception'; const DEFAULT_MIN_ANGLE_FOR_LABEL = 0.5; /** * The sunburst chart implementation is usually used to visualize a small tree distribution. The sunburst * chart uses keyAccessor to determine the slices, and valueAccessor to calculate the size of each * slice relative to the sum of all values. Slices are ordered by {@link BaseMixin#ordering ordering} which defaults to sorting * by key. * * The keys used in the sunburst chart should be arrays, representing paths in the tree. * * When filtering, the sunburst chart creates instances of {@link Filters.HierarchyFilter HierarchyFilter}. * * @mixes CapMixin * @mixes ColorMixin * @mixes BaseMixin */ export class SunburstChart extends ColorMixin(BaseMixin) { /** * Create a Sunburst Chart * @example * // create a sunburst chart under #chart-container1 element using the default global chart group * var chart1 = new SunburstChart('#chart-container1'); * // create a sunburst chart under #chart-container2 element using chart group A * var chart2 = new SunburstChart('#chart-container2', 'chartGroupA'); * * @param {String|node|d3.selection} parent - Any valid * {@link d3 single selector} specifying * a dom block element such as a div; or a dom element or d3 selection. * @param {String} [chartGroup] - The name of the chart group this chart instance should be placed in. * Interaction with a chart will only trigger events and redraws within the chart's group. */ constructor (parent, chartGroup) { super(); this._sliceCssClass = 'pie-slice'; this._emptyCssClass = 'empty-chart'; this._emptyTitle = 'empty'; this._radius = undefined; this._givenRadius = undefined; // given radius, if any this._innerRadius = 0; this._ringSizes = null; this._g = undefined; this._cx = undefined; this._cy = undefined; this._minAngleForLabel = DEFAULT_MIN_ANGLE_FOR_LABEL; this._externalLabelRadius = undefined; this.colorAccessor(d => this.keyAccessor()(d)); // override cap mixin this.ordering(pluck('key')); this.title(d => `${this.keyAccessor()(d)}: ${this._extendedValueAccessor(d)}`); this.label(d => this.keyAccessor()(d)); this.renderLabel(true); this.transitionDuration(350); this.anchor(parent, chartGroup); } // Handle cases if value corresponds to generated parent nodes _extendedValueAccessor (d) { if (d.path) { return d.value; } return this.valueAccessor()(d); } _scaleRadius (ringIndex, y) { if (ringIndex === 0) { return this._innerRadius; } else { const customRelativeRadius = sum(this.ringSizes().relativeRingSizes.slice(0, ringIndex)); const scaleFactor = (ringIndex * (1 / this.ringSizes().relativeRingSizes.length)) / customRelativeRadius; const standardRadius = (y - this.ringSizes().rootOffset) / (1 - this.ringSizes().rootOffset) * (this._radius - this._innerRadius); return this._innerRadius + standardRadius / scaleFactor; } } _doRender () { this.resetSvg(); this._g = this.svg() .append('g') .attr('transform', `translate(${},${})`); this._drawChart(); return this; } _drawChart () { // set radius from chart size if none given, or if given radius is too large const maxRadius = min([this.width(), this.height()]) / 2; this._radius = this._givenRadius && this._givenRadius < maxRadius ? this._givenRadius : maxRadius; const arcs = this._buildArcs(); let partitionedNodes, cdata; // if we have data... if (sum(, this.valueAccessor())) { cdata = utils.toHierarchy(, this.valueAccessor()); partitionedNodes = this._partitionNodes(cdata); // First one is the root, which is not needed partitionedNodes.nodes.shift(); this._g.classed(this._emptyCssClass, false); } else { // otherwise we'd be getting NaNs, so override // note: abuse others for its ignoring the value accessor cdata = utils.toHierarchy([], d => d.value); partitionedNodes = this._partitionNodes(cdata); this._g.classed(this._emptyCssClass, true); } this.ringSizes().rootOffset = partitionedNodes.rootOffset; this.ringSizes().relativeRingSizes = partitionedNodes.relativeRingSizes; if (this._g) { const slices = this._g.selectAll(`g.${this._sliceCssClass}`) .data(partitionedNodes.nodes); this._createElements(slices, arcs, partitionedNodes.nodes); this._updateElements(partitionedNodes.nodes, arcs); this._removeElements(slices); this._highlightFilter(); transition(this._g, this.transitionDuration(), this.transitionDelay()) .attr('transform', `translate(${},${})`); } } _createElements (slices, arcs, sunburstData) { const slicesEnter = this._createSliceNodes(slices); this._createSlicePath(slicesEnter, arcs); this._createTitles(slicesEnter); this._createLabels(sunburstData, arcs); } _createSliceNodes (slices) { return slices .enter() .append('g') .attr('class', (d, i) => `${this._sliceCssClass } _${i} ${ this._sliceCssClass}-level-${d.depth}`); } _createSlicePath (slicesEnter, arcs) { const slicePath = slicesEnter.append('path') .attr('fill', (d, i) => this._fill(d, i)) .on('click', d3compat.eventHandler(d => this.onClick(d))) .classed('dc-tabbable', this._keyboardAccessible) .attr('d', d => this._safeArc(arcs, d)); if (this._keyboardAccessible) { this._makeKeyboardAccessible(this.onClick); } const tranNodes = transition(slicePath, this.transitionDuration()); if (tranNodes.attrTween) { const chart = this; tranNodes.attrTween('d', function (d) { return chart._tweenSlice(d, this); }); } } _createTitles (slicesEnter) { if (this.renderTitle()) { slicesEnter.append('title').text(d => this.title()(d)); } } _positionLabels (labelsEnter, arcs) { transition(labelsEnter, this.transitionDuration()) .attr('transform', d => this._labelPosition(d, arcs)) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(d => { // position label... if (this._sliceHasNoData(d) || this._sliceTooSmall(d)) { return ''; } return this.label()(d); }); } _createLabels (sunburstData, arcs) { if (this.renderLabel()) { const labels = this._g.selectAll(`text.${this._sliceCssClass}`) .data(sunburstData); labels.exit().remove(); const labelsEnter = labels .enter() .append('text') .attr('class', (d, i) => { let classes = `${this._sliceCssClass} _${i}`; if (this._externalLabelRadius) { classes += ' external'; } return classes; }) .on('click', d3compat.eventHandler(d => this.onClick(d))); this._positionLabels(labelsEnter, arcs); } } _updateElements (sunburstData, arcs) { this._updateSlicePaths(sunburstData, arcs); this._updateLabels(sunburstData, arcs); this._updateTitles(sunburstData); } _updateSlicePaths (sunburstData, arcs) { const slicePaths = this._g.selectAll(`g.${this._sliceCssClass}`) .data(sunburstData) .select('path') .attr('d', (d, i) => this._safeArc(arcs, d)); const tranNodes = transition(slicePaths, this.transitionDuration()); if (tranNodes.attrTween) { const chart = this; tranNodes.attrTween('d', function (d) { return chart._tweenSlice(d, this); }); } tranNodes.attr('fill', (d, i) => this._fill(d, i)); } _updateLabels (sunburstData, arcs) { if (this.renderLabel()) { const labels = this._g.selectAll(`text.${this._sliceCssClass}`) .data(sunburstData); this._positionLabels(labels, arcs); } } _updateTitles (sunburstData) { if (this.renderTitle()) { this._g.selectAll(`g.${this._sliceCssClass}`) .data(sunburstData) .select('title') .text(d => this.title()(d)); } } _removeElements (slices) { slices.exit().remove(); } _highlightFilter () { const chart = this; if (chart.hasFilter()) { chart.selectAll(`g.${chart._sliceCssClass}`).each(function (d) { if (chart._isSelectedSlice(d)) { chart.highlightSelected(this); } else { chart.fadeDeselected(this); } }); } else { chart.selectAll(`g.${chart._sliceCssClass}`).each(function (d) { chart.resetHighlight(this); }); } } /** * Get or set the inner radius of the sunburst chart. If the inner radius is greater than 0px then the * sunburst chart will be rendered as a doughnut chart. Default inner radius is 0px. * @param {Number} [innerRadius=0] * @returns {Number|SunburstChart} */ innerRadius (innerRadius) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._innerRadius; } this._innerRadius = innerRadius; return this; } /** * Get or set the outer radius. If the radius is not set, it will be half of the minimum of the * chart width and height. * @param {Number} [radius] * @returns {Number|SunburstChart} */ radius (radius) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._givenRadius; } this._givenRadius = radius; return this; } /** * Get or set center x coordinate position. Default is center of svg. * @param {Number} [cx] * @returns {Number|SunburstChart} */ cx (cx) { if (!arguments.length) { return (this._cx || this.width() / 2); } this._cx = cx; return this; } /** * Get or set center y coordinate position. Default is center of svg. * @param {Number} [cy] * @returns {Number|SunburstChart} */ cy (cy) { if (!arguments.length) { return (this._cy || this.height() / 2); } this._cy = cy; return this; } /** * Get or set the minimal slice angle for label rendering. Any slice with a smaller angle will not * display a slice label. * @param {Number} [minAngleForLabel=0.5] * @returns {Number|SunburstChart} */ minAngleForLabel (minAngleForLabel) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._minAngleForLabel; } this._minAngleForLabel = minAngleForLabel; return this; } /** * Title to use for the only slice when there is no data. * @param {String} [title] * @returns {String|SunburstChart} */ emptyTitle (title) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._emptyTitle; } this._emptyTitle = title; return this; } /** * Position slice labels offset from the outer edge of the chart. * * The argument specifies the extra radius to be added for slice labels. * @param {Number} [externalLabelRadius] * @returns {Number|SunburstChart} */ externalLabels (externalLabelRadius) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._externalLabelRadius; } else if (externalLabelRadius) { this._externalLabelRadius = externalLabelRadius; } else { this._externalLabelRadius = undefined; } return this; } /** * Constructs the default RingSizes parameter for {@link SunburstChart#ringSizes ringSizes()}, * which makes the rings narrower as they get farther away from the center. * * Can be used as a parameter to ringSizes() to reset the default behavior, or modified for custom ring sizes. * * @example * var chart = new dc.SunburstChart(...); * chart.ringSizes(chart.defaultRingSizes()) * @returns {RingSizes} */ defaultRingSizes () { return { partitionDy: () => this._radius * this._radius, scaleInnerRadius: d => && === 1 ? this._innerRadius : Math.sqrt(d.y0), scaleOuterRadius: d => Math.sqrt(d.y1), relativeRingSizesFunction: () => [] }; } /** * Constructs a RingSizes parameter for {@link SunburstChart#ringSizes ringSizes()} * that will make the chart rings equally wide. * * @example * var chart = new dc.SunburstChart(...); * chart.ringSizes(chart.equalRingSizes()) * @returns {RingSizes} */ equalRingSizes () { return this.relativeRingSizes( ringCount => { const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < ringCount; i++) { result.push(1 / ringCount); } return result; } ); } /** * Constructs a RingSizes parameter for {@link SunburstChart#ringSizes ringSizes()} using the given function * to determine each rings width. * * * The function must return an array containing portion values for each ring/level of the chart. * * The length of the array must match the number of rings of the chart at runtime, which is provided as the only * argument. * * The sum of all portions from the array must be 1 (100%). * * @example * // specific relative portions (the number of rings (3) is known in this case) * chart.ringSizes(chart.relativeRingSizes(function (ringCount) { * return [.1, .3, .6]; * }); * @param {Function} [relativeRingSizesFunction] * @returns {RingSizes} */ relativeRingSizes (relativeRingSizesFunction) { function assertPortionsArray (relativeSizes, numberOfRings) { if (!Array.isArray(relativeSizes)) { throw new BadArgumentException('relativeRingSizes function must return an array'); } const portionsSum = sum(relativeSizes); if (Math.abs(portionsSum - 1) > constants.NEGLIGIBLE_NUMBER) { throw new BadArgumentException( `relativeRingSizes : portions must add up to 1, but sum was ${portionsSum}`); } if (relativeSizes.length !== numberOfRings) { throw new BadArgumentException( `relativeRingSizes : number of values must match number of rings (${ numberOfRings}) but was ${relativeSizes.length}`); } } return { partitionDy: () => 1, scaleInnerRadius: d => this._scaleRadius( - 1, d.y0), scaleOuterRadius: d => this._scaleRadius(, d.y1), relativeRingSizesFunction: ringCount => { const result = relativeRingSizesFunction(ringCount); assertPortionsArray(result, ringCount); return result; } }; } /** * Get or set the strategy to use for sizing the charts rings. * * There are three strategies available * * {@link SunburstChart#defaultRingSizes `defaultRingSizes`}: the rings get narrower farther away from the center * * {@link SunburstChart#relativeRingSizes `relativeRingSizes`}: set the ring sizes as portions of 1 * * {@link SunburstChart#equalRingSizes `equalRingSizes`}: the rings are equally wide * * You can modify the returned strategy, or create your own, for custom ring sizing. * * RingSizes is a duck-typed interface that must support the following methods: * * `partitionDy()`: used for * {@link `d3.partition.size`} * * `scaleInnerRadius(d)`: takes datum and returns radius for * {@link `d3.arc.innerRadius`} * * `scaleOuterRadius(d)`: takes datum and returns radius for * {@link `d3.arc.outerRadius`} * * `relativeRingSizesFunction(ringCount)`: takes ring count and returns an array of portions that * must add up to 1 * * @example * // make rings equally wide * chart.ringSizes(chart.equalRingSizes()) * // reset to default behavior * chart.ringSizes(chart.defaultRingSizes())) * @param {RingSizes} ringSizes * @returns {Object|SunburstChart} */ ringSizes (ringSizes) { if (!arguments.length) { if (!this._ringSizes) { this._ringSizes = this.defaultRingSizes(); } return this._ringSizes; } this._ringSizes = ringSizes; return this; } _buildArcs () { return arc() .startAngle(d => d.x0) .endAngle(d => d.x1) .innerRadius(d => this.ringSizes().scaleInnerRadius(d)) .outerRadius(d => this.ringSizes().scaleOuterRadius(d)); } _isSelectedSlice (d) { return this._isPathFiltered(d.path); } _isPathFiltered (path) { for (let i = 0; i < this.filters().length; i++) { const currentFilter = this.filters()[i]; if (currentFilter.isFiltered(path)) { return true; } } return false; } // returns all filters that are a parent or child of the path _filtersForPath (path) { const pathFilter = filters.HierarchyFilter(path); const filtersList = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.filters().length; i++) { const currentFilter = this.filters()[i]; if (currentFilter.isFiltered(path) || pathFilter.isFiltered(currentFilter)) { filtersList.push(currentFilter); } } return filtersList; } _doRedraw () { this._drawChart(); return this; } _partitionNodes (data) { const getSortable = function (d) { return {'key':, 'value': d.value}; }; const _hierarchy = hierarchy(data) .sum(d => d.children ? 0 : this._extendedValueAccessor(d)) .sort((a, b) => ascending(this.ordering()(getSortable(a)), this.ordering()(getSortable(b)))); const _partition = partition() .size([2 * Math.PI, this.ringSizes().partitionDy()]); _partition(_hierarchy); // In D3v4 the returned data is slightly different, change it enough to suit our purposes. const nodes = _hierarchy.descendants().map(d => { d.key =; d.path =; return d; }); const relativeSizes = this.ringSizes().relativeRingSizesFunction(_hierarchy.height); return { nodes, rootOffset: _hierarchy.y1, relativeRingSizes: relativeSizes }; } _sliceTooSmall (d) { const angle = d.x1 - d.x0; return isNaN(angle) || angle < this._minAngleForLabel; } _sliceHasNoData (d) { return this._extendedValueAccessor(d) === 0; } _isOffCanvas (d) { return !d || isNaN(d.x0) || isNaN(d.y0); } _fill (d, i) { return this.getColor(, i); } onClick (d) { if (this._g.attr('class') === this._emptyCssClass) { return; } // Must be better way to handle this, in legends we need to access `d.key` const path = d.path || d.key; const filter = filters.HierarchyFilter(path); // filters are equal to parents or children of the path. const filtersList = this._filtersForPath(path); let exactMatch = false; // clear out any filters that cover the path filtered. for (let j = filtersList.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { const currentFilter = filtersList[j]; if (utils.arraysIdentical(currentFilter, path)) { exactMatch = true; } this.filter(filtersList[j]); } events.trigger(() => { // if it is a new filter - put it in. if (!exactMatch) { this.filter(filter); } this.redrawGroup(); }); } _safeArc (_arc, d) { let path = _arc(d); if (path.indexOf('NaN') >= 0) { path = 'M0,0'; } return path; } _labelPosition (d, _arc) { let centroid; if (this._externalLabelRadius) { centroid = arc() .outerRadius(this._radius + this._externalLabelRadius) .innerRadius(this._radius + this._externalLabelRadius) .centroid(d); } else { centroid = _arc.centroid(d); } if (isNaN(centroid[0]) || isNaN(centroid[1])) { return 'translate(0,0)'; } else { return `translate(${centroid})`; } } legendables () { return, i) => { const legendable = {name: d.key, data: d.value, others: d.others, chart: this}; legendable.color = this.getColor(d, i); return legendable; }); } legendHighlight (d) { this._highlightSliceFromLegendable(d, true); } legendReset (d) { this._highlightSliceFromLegendable(d, false); } legendToggle (d) { this.onClick({key:, others: d.others}); } _highlightSliceFromLegendable (legendable, highlighted) { this.selectAll('g.pie-slice').each(function (d) { if ( === d.key) { select(this).classed('highlight', highlighted); } }); } _tweenSlice (d, element) { let current = element._current; if (this._isOffCanvas(current)) { current = {x0: 0, x1: 0, y0: 0, y1: 0}; } const tweenTarget = { x0: d.x0, x1: d.x1, y0: d.y0, y1: d.y1 }; const i = interpolate(current, tweenTarget); element._current = i(0); return t => this._safeArc(this._buildArcs(), Object.assign({}, d, i(t))); } } export const sunburstChart = (parent, chartGroup) => new SunburstChart(parent, chartGroup);