Source: base/stack-mixin.js

import {stack} from 'd3-shape';
import {max, min} from 'd3-array';

import {pluck, utils} from '../core/utils';
import {CoordinateGridMixin} from './coordinate-grid-mixin';

 * Stack Mixin is an mixin that provides cross-chart support of stackability using d3.stack.
 * @mixin StackMixin
 * @mixes CoordinateGridMixin
export class StackMixin extends CoordinateGridMixin {
    constructor () {

        this._stackLayout = stack();

        this._stack = [];
        this._titles = {};

        this._hidableStacks = false;
        this._evadeDomainFilter = false; => {
            const layers = this._stack.filter(this._visibility);
            if (!layers.length) {
                return [];
            layers.forEach((l, i) => this._prepareValues(l, i));
            const v4data = layers[0], i) => {
                const col = {x: v.x};
                layers.forEach(layer => {
                    col[] = layer.values[i].y;
                return col;
            const keys = =>;
            const v4result = this.stackLayout().keys(keys)(v4data);
            v4result.forEach((series, i) => {
                series.forEach((ys, j) => {
                    layers[i].values[j].y0 = ys[0];
                    layers[i].values[j].y1 = ys[1];
            return layers;

        this.colorAccessor(function (d) {
            return this.layer || || || d.layer;

    _prepareValues (layer, layerIdx) {
        const valAccessor = layer.accessor || this.valueAccessor(); = String( || layerIdx);
        const allValues =, i) => ({
            x: this.keyAccessor()(d, i),
            y: layer.hidden ? null : valAccessor(d, i),
            data: d,
            hidden: layer.hidden

        layer.domainValues = allValues.filter(l => this._domainFilter()(l));
        layer.values = this.evadeDomainFilter() ? allValues : layer.domainValues;

    _domainFilter () {
        if (!this.x()) {
            return utils.constant(true);
        const xDomain = this.x().domain();
        if (this.isOrdinal()) {
            // TODO #416
            //var domainSet = d3.set(xDomain);
            return () => true //domainSet.has(p.x);
        if (this.elasticX()) {
            return () => true;
        return p => p.x >= xDomain[0] && p.x <= xDomain[xDomain.length - 1];

     * Stack a new crossfilter group onto this chart with an optional custom value accessor. All stacks
     * in the same chart will share the same key accessor and therefore the same set of keys.
     * For example, in a stacked bar chart, the bars of each stack will be positioned using the same set
     * of keys on the x axis, while stacked vertically. If name is specified then it will be used to
     * generate the legend label.
     * @see {@link}
     * @example
     * // stack group using default accessor
     * chart.stack(valueSumGroup)
     * // stack group using custom accessor
     * .stack(avgByDayGroup, function(d){return d.value.avgByDay;});
     * @param {} group
     * @param {String} [name]
     * @param {Function} [accessor]
     * @returns {Array<{group:, name: String, accessor: Function}>|StackMixin}
    stack (group, name, accessor) {
        if (!arguments.length) {
            return this._stack;

        if (arguments.length <= 2) {
            accessor = name;

        const layer = {group: group};
        if (typeof name === 'string') {
   = name;
        if (typeof accessor === 'function') {
            layer.accessor = accessor;

        return this;

    group (g, n, f) {
        if (!arguments.length) {
        this._stack = [];
        this._titles = {};
        this.stack(g, n);
        if (f) {
        return, n);

     * Allow named stacks to be hidden or shown by clicking on legend items.
     * This does not affect the behavior of hideStack or showStack.
     * @param {Boolean} [hidableStacks=false]
     * @returns {Boolean|StackMixin}
    hidableStacks (hidableStacks) {
        if (!arguments.length) {
            return this._hidableStacks;
        this._hidableStacks = hidableStacks;
        return this;

    _findLayerByName (n) {
        const i ='name')).indexOf(n);
        return this._stack[i];

     * Hide all stacks on the chart with the given name.
     * The chart must be re-rendered for this change to appear.
     * @param {String} stackName
     * @returns {StackMixin}
    hideStack (stackName) {
        const layer = this._findLayerByName(stackName);
        if (layer) {
            layer.hidden = true;
        return this;

     * Show all stacks on the chart with the given name.
     * The chart must be re-rendered for this change to appear.
     * @param {String} stackName
     * @returns {StackMixin}
    showStack (stackName) {
        const layer = this._findLayerByName(stackName);
        if (layer) {
            layer.hidden = false;
        return this;

    getValueAccessorByIndex (index) {
        return this._stack[index].accessor || this.valueAccessor();

    yAxisMin () {
        const m = min(this._flattenStack(), p => (p.y < 0) ? (p.y + p.y0) : p.y0);
        return utils.subtract(m, this.yAxisPadding());

    yAxisMax () {
        const m = max(this._flattenStack(), p => (p.y > 0) ? (p.y + p.y0) : p.y0);
        return utils.add(m, this.yAxisPadding());

    _flattenStack () {
        // A round about way to achieve flatMap
        // When target browsers support flatMap, just replace map -> flatMap, no concat needed
        const values = => layer.domainValues);
        return [].concat(...values);

    xAxisMin () {
        const m = min(this._flattenStack(), pluck('x'));
        return utils.subtract(m, this.xAxisPadding(), this.xAxisPaddingUnit());

    xAxisMax () {
        const m = max(this._flattenStack(), pluck('x'));
        return utils.add(m, this.xAxisPadding(), this.xAxisPaddingUnit());

     * Set or get the title function. Chart class will use this function to render svg title (usually interpreted by
     * browser as tooltips) for each child element in the chart, i.e. a slice in a pie chart or a bubble in a bubble chart.
     * Almost every chart supports title function however in grid coordinate chart you need to turn off brush in order to
     * use title otherwise the brush layer will block tooltip trigger.
     * If the first argument is a stack name, the title function will get or set the title for that stack. If stackName
     * is not provided, the first stack is implied.
     * @example
     * // set a title function on 'first stack'
     * chart.title('first stack', function(d) { return d.key + ': ' + d.value; });
     * // get a title function from 'second stack'
     * var secondTitleFunction = chart.title('second stack');
     * @param {String} [stackName]
     * @param {Function} [titleAccessor]
     * @returns {String|StackMixin}
    title (stackName, titleAccessor) {
        if (!stackName) {
            return super.title();

        if (typeof stackName === 'function') {
            return super.title(stackName);
        if (stackName === this._groupName && typeof titleAccessor === 'function') {
            return super.title(titleAccessor);

        if (typeof titleAccessor !== 'function') {
            return this._titles[stackName] || super.title();

        this._titles[stackName] = titleAccessor;

        return this;

     * Gets or sets the stack layout algorithm, which computes a baseline for each stack and
     * propagates it to the next.
     * @see {@link d3.stackD3v3}
     * @param {Function} [_stack=d3.stackD3v3]
     * @returns {Function|StackMixin}
    stackLayout (_stack) {
        if (!arguments.length) {
            return this._stackLayout;
        this._stackLayout = _stack;
        return this;

     * Since dc.js 2.0, there has been {@link an issue}
     * where points are filtered to the current domain. While this is a useful optimization, it is
     * incorrectly implemented: the next point outside the domain is required in order to draw lines
     * that are clipped to the bounds, as well as bars that are partly clipped.
     * A fix will be included in dc.js 2.1.x, but a workaround is needed for dc.js 2.0 and until
     * that fix is published, so set this flag to skip any filtering of points.
     * Once the bug is fixed, this flag will have no effect, and it will be deprecated.
     * @param {Boolean} [evadeDomainFilter=false]
     * @returns {Boolean|StackMixin}
    evadeDomainFilter (evadeDomainFilter) {
        if (!arguments.length) {
            return this._evadeDomainFilter;
        this._evadeDomainFilter = evadeDomainFilter;
        return this;

    _visibility (l) {
        return !l.hidden;

    _ordinalXDomain () {
        const flat = this._flattenStack().map(pluck('data'));
        const ordered = this._computeOrderedGroups(flat);

    legendables () {
        return, i) => ({
            chart: this,
            hidden: layer.hidden || false,
            color:, layer.values, i)

    isLegendableHidden (d) {
        const layer = this._findLayerByName(;
        return layer ? layer.hidden : false;

    legendToggle (d) {
        if (this._hidableStacks) {
            if (this.isLegendableHidden(d)) {
            } else {