'use strict';
'use strict';
Create chart objects associated with the container elements identified by the css selector. Note: It is often a good idea to have these objects accessible at the global scope so that they can be modified or filtered by other page controls.
const gainOrLossChart = new dc.PieChart('#gain-loss-chart');
const fluctuationChart = new dc.BarChart('#fluctuation-chart');
const quarterChart = new dc.PieChart('#quarter-chart');
const dayOfWeekChart = new dc.RowChart('#day-of-week-chart');
const moveChart = new dc.LineChart('#monthly-move-chart');
const volumeChart = new dc.BarChart('#monthly-volume-chart');
const yearlyBubbleChart = new dc.BubbleChart('#yearly-bubble-chart');
const nasdaqCount = new dc.DataCount('.dc-data-count');
const nasdaqTable = new dc.DataTable('.dc-data-table');
A div anchor that can be identified by id
<div id='your-chart'></div>
Title or anything you want to add above the chart
<div id='chart'><span>Days by Gain or Loss</span></div>
If a link with css class reset
is present then the chart
will automatically hide/show it based on whether there is a filter
set on the chart (e.g. slice selection for pie chart and brush
selection for bar chart). Enable this with chart.turnOnControls(true)
By default, dc.js >=2.1 uses display: none
to control whether or not chart
controls are shown. To use visibility: hidden
to hide/show controls
without disrupting the layout, set chart.controlsUseVisibility(true)
<div id='chart'>
<a class='reset'
style='visibility: hidden;'>reset</a>
dc.js will also automatically inject the current filter value into
any html element with its css class set to filter
<div id='chart'>
<span class='reset' style='visibility: hidden;'>
Current filter: <span class='filter'></span>
Data can be loaded through regular means with your favorite javascript library
d3.csv('data.csv').then(function(data) {...});
d3.json('data.json').then(function(data) {...});
jQuery.getJson('data.json', function(data){...});
d3.csv('ndx.csv').then(data => {
Since its a csv file we need to format the data a bit.
const dateFormatSpecifier = '%m/%d/%Y';
const dateFormat = d3.timeFormat(dateFormatSpecifier);
const dateFormatParser = d3.timeParse(dateFormatSpecifier);
const numberFormat = d3.format('.2f');
data.forEach(d => {
d.dd = dateFormatParser(d.date);
d.month = d3.timeMonth(d.dd); // pre-calculate month for better performance
d.close = +d.close; // coerce to number
d.open = +d.open;
See the crossfilter API for reference.
const ndx = crossfilter(data);
const all = ndx.groupAll();
Dimension by year
const yearlyDimension = ndx.dimension(d => d3.timeYear(d.dd).getFullYear());
Maintain running tallies by year as filters are applied or removed
const yearlyPerformanceGroup = yearlyDimension.group().reduce(
/* callback for when data is added to the current filter results */
(p, v) => {
p.absGain += v.close - v.open;
p.fluctuation += Math.abs(v.close - v.open);
p.sumIndex += (v.open + v.close) / 2;
p.avgIndex = p.sumIndex / p.count;
p.percentageGain = p.avgIndex ? (p.absGain / p.avgIndex) * 100 : 0;
p.fluctuationPercentage = p.avgIndex ? (p.fluctuation / p.avgIndex) * 100 : 0;
return p;
/* callback for when data is removed from the current filter results */
(p, v) => {
p.absGain -= v.close - v.open;
p.fluctuation -= Math.abs(v.close - v.open);
p.sumIndex -= (v.open + v.close) / 2;
p.avgIndex = p.count ? p.sumIndex / p.count : 0;
p.percentageGain = p.avgIndex ? (p.absGain / p.avgIndex) * 100 : 0;
p.fluctuationPercentage = p.avgIndex ? (p.fluctuation / p.avgIndex) * 100 : 0;
return p;
/* initialize p */
() => ({
count: 0,
absGain: 0,
fluctuation: 0,
fluctuationPercentage: 0,
sumIndex: 0,
avgIndex: 0,
percentageGain: 0
Dimension by full date
const dateDimension = ndx.dimension(d => d.dd);
Dimension by month
const moveMonths = ndx.dimension(d => d.month);
Group by total movement within month
const monthlyMoveGroup = moveMonths.group().reduceSum(d => Math.abs(d.close - d.open));
Group by total volume within move, and scale down result
const volumeByMonthGroup = moveMonths.group().reduceSum(d => d.volume / 500000);
const indexAvgByMonthGroup = moveMonths.group().reduce(
(p, v) => {
p.total += (v.open + v.close) / 2;
p.avg = Math.round(p.total / p.days);
return p;
(p, v) => {
p.total -= (v.open + v.close) / 2;
p.avg = p.days ? Math.round(p.total / p.days) : 0;
return p;
() => ({days: 0, total: 0, avg: 0})
Create categorical dimension
const gainOrLoss = ndx.dimension(d => d.open > d.close ? 'Loss' : 'Gain');
Produce counts records in the dimension
const gainOrLossGroup = gainOrLoss.group();
Determine a histogram of percent changes
const fluctuation = ndx.dimension(d => Math.round((d.close - d.open) / d.open * 100));
const fluctuationGroup = fluctuation.group();
Summarize volume by quarter
const quarter = ndx.dimension(d => {
const month = d.dd.getMonth();
if (month <= 2) {
return 'Q1';
} else if (month > 2 && month <= 5) {
return 'Q2';
} else if (month > 5 && month <= 8) {
return 'Q3';
} else {
return 'Q4';
const quarterGroup = quarter.group().reduceSum(d => d.volume);
Counts per weekday
const dayOfWeek = ndx.dimension(d => {
const day = d.dd.getDay();
const name = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
return `${day}.${name[day]}`;
const dayOfWeekGroup = dayOfWeek.group();
Define chart attributes using fluent methods. See the dc.js API Reference for more information
Create a bubble chart and use the given css selector as anchor. You can also specify
an optional chart group for this chart to be scoped within. When a chart belongs
to a specific group then any interaction with the chart will only trigger redraws
on charts within the same chart group.
API: Bubble Chart
yearlyBubbleChart /* dc.bubbleChart('#yearly-bubble-chart', 'chartGroup') */
(optional) define chart width, default = 200
(optional) define chart height, default = 200
(optional) define chart transition duration, default = 750
.margins({top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 40})
The bubble chart expects the groups are reduced to multiple values which are used to generate x, y, and radius for each key (bubble) in the group
(optional) define color function or array for bubbles: ColorBrewer
(optional) define color domain to match your data domain if you want to bind data or color
.colorDomain([-500, 500])
Accessor functions are applied to each value returned by the grouping
- the returned value will be passed to the .colors()
scale to determine a fill color
.colorAccessor(d => d.value.absGain)
- the X
value will be passed to the .x()
scale to determine pixel location
.keyAccessor(p => p.value.absGain)
- the Y
value will be passed to the .y()
scale to determine pixel location
.valueAccessor(p => p.value.percentageGain)
- the value will be passed to the .r()
scale to determine radius size;
by default this maps linearly to [0,100]
.radiusValueAccessor(p => p.value.fluctuationPercentage)
.x(d3.scaleLinear().domain([-2500, 2500]))
.y(d3.scaleLinear().domain([-100, 100]))
.r(d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 4000]))
and .elasticX
determine whether the chart should rescale each axis to fit the data.
and .xAxisPadding
add padding to data above and below their max values in the same unit
domains as the Accessors.
(optional) render horizontal grid lines, default=false
(optional) render vertical grid lines, default=false
(optional) render an axis label below the x axis
.xAxisLabel('Index Gain')
(optional) render a vertical axis lable left of the y axis
.yAxisLabel('Index Gain %')
Labels are displayed on the chart for each bubble. Titles displayed on mouseover.
(optional) whether chart should render labels, default = true
.label(p => p.key)
(optional) whether chart should render titles, default = false
.title(p => [
`Index Gain: ${numberFormat(p.value.absGain)}`,
`Index Gain in Percentage: ${numberFormat(p.value.percentageGain)}%`,
`Fluctuation / Index Ratio: ${numberFormat(p.value.fluctuationPercentage)}%`
Set a custom tick format. Both .yAxis()
and .xAxis()
return an axis object,
so any additional method chaining applies to the axis, not the chart.
.yAxis().tickFormat(v => `${v}%`);
Create a pie chart and use the given css selector as anchor. You can also specify
an optional chart group for this chart to be scoped within. When a chart belongs
to a specific group then any interaction with such chart will only trigger redraw
on other charts within the same chart group.
API: Pie Chart
gainOrLossChart /* dc.pieChart('#gain-loss-chart', 'chartGroup') */
(optional) define chart width, default = 200
(optional) define chart height, default = 200
Define pie radius
Set dimension
Set group
(optional) by default pie chart will use group.key
as its label but you can overwrite it with a closure.
.label(d => {
if (gainOrLossChart.hasFilter() && !gainOrLossChart.hasFilter(d.key)) {
return `${d.key}(0%)`;
let label = d.key;
if (all.value()) {
label += `(${Math.floor(d.value / all.value() * 100)}%)`;
return label;
(optional) whether chart should render labels, default = true
(optional) if inner radius is used then a donut chart will be generated instead of pie chart
(optional) define chart transition duration, default = 350
(optional) define color array for slices
.colors(['#3182bd', '#6baed6', '#9ecae1', '#c6dbef', '#dadaeb'])
(optional) define color domain to match your data domain if you want to bind data or color
.colorDomain([-1750, 1644])
(optional) define color value accessor
.colorAccessor(function(d, i){return d.value;})
quarterChart /* dc.pieChart('#quarter-chart', 'chartGroup') */
Create a row chart and use the given css selector as anchor. You can also specify
an optional chart group for this chart to be scoped within. When a chart belongs
to a specific group then any interaction with such chart will only trigger redraw
on other charts within the same chart group.
API: Row Chart
dayOfWeekChart /* dc.rowChart('#day-of-week-chart', 'chartGroup') */
.margins({top: 20, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 20})
Assign colors to each value in the x scale domain
.ordinalColors(['#3182bd', '#6baed6', '#9ecae1', '#c6dbef', '#dadaeb'])
.label(d => d.key.split('.')[1])
Title sets the row text
.title(d => d.value)
Create a bar chart and use the given css selector as anchor. You can also specify
an optional chart group for this chart to be scoped within. When a chart belongs
to a specific group then any interaction with such chart will only trigger redraw
on other charts within the same chart group.
API: Bar Chart
fluctuationChart /* dc.barChart('#volume-month-chart', 'chartGroup') */
.margins({top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 40})
(optional) whether bar should be center to its x value. Not needed for ordinal chart, default=false
(optional) set gap between bars manually in px, default=2
(optional) set filter brush rounding
.x(d3.scaleLinear().domain([-25, 25]))
Customize the filter displayed in the control span
.filterPrinter(filters => {
const filter = filters[0];
let s = '';
s += `${numberFormat(filter[0])}% -> ${numberFormat(filter[1])}%`;
return s;
Customize axes
v => `${v}%`);
Specify an area chart by using a line chart with .renderArea(true)
API: Stack Mixin,
Line Chart
moveChart /* dc.lineChart('#monthly-move-chart', 'chartGroup') */
.margins({top: 30, right: 50, bottom: 25, left: 40})
Specify a “range chart” to link its brush extent with the zoom of the current “focus chart”.
.x(d3.scaleTime().domain([new Date(1985, 0, 1), new Date(2012, 11, 31)]))
Position the legend relative to the chart origin and specify items’ height and separation.
.legend(new dc.Legend().x(800).y(10).itemHeight(13).gap(5))
Add the base layer of the stack with group. The second parameter specifies a series name for use in the
The .valueAccessor
will be used for the base layer
.group(indexAvgByMonthGroup, 'Monthly Index Average')
.valueAccessor(d => d.value.avg)
Stack additional layers with .stack
. The first paramenter is a new group.
The second parameter is the series name. The third is a value accessor.
.stack(monthlyMoveGroup, 'Monthly Index Move', d => d.value)
Title can be called by any stack layer.
.title(d => {
let value = d.value.avg ? d.value.avg : d.value;
if (isNaN(value)) {
value = 0;
return `${dateFormat(d.key)}\n${numberFormat(value)}`;
Since this bar chart is specified as “range chart” for the area chart, its brush extent will always match the zoom of the area chart.
volumeChart.width(990) /* dc.barChart('#monthly-volume-chart', 'chartGroup'); */
.margins({top: 0, right: 50, bottom: 20, left: 40})
.x(d3.scaleTime().domain([new Date(1985, 0, 1), new Date(2012, 11, 31)]))
Create a data count widget and use the given css selector as anchor. You can also specify
an optional chart group for this chart to be scoped within. When a chart belongs
to a specific group then any interaction with such chart will only trigger redraw
on other charts within the same chart group.
API: Data Count Widget
<div class='dc-data-count'>
<span class='filter-count'></span>
selected out of <span class='total-count'></span> records.
nasdaqCount /* dc.dataCount('.dc-data-count', 'chartGroup'); */
(optional) .html
sets different html when some records or all records are selected.
replaces everything in the anchor with the html given using the following function.
and %total-count
are replaced with the values obtained.
some: '<strong>%filter-count</strong> selected out of <strong>%total-count</strong> records' +
' | <a href=\'javascript:dc.filterAll(); dc.renderAll();\'>Reset All</a>',
all: 'All records selected. Please click on the graph to apply filters.'
Create a data table widget and use the given css selector as anchor. You can also specify
an optional chart group for this chart to be scoped within. When a chart belongs
to a specific group then any interaction with such chart will only trigger redraw
on other charts within the same chart group.
API: Data Table Widget
You can statically define the headers like in
<!-- anchor div for data table -->
<div id='data-table'>
<!-- create a custom header -->
<div class='header'>
<!-- data rows will filled in here -->
or do it programmatically using .columns()
nasdaqTable /* dc.dataTable('.dc-data-table', 'chartGroup') */
Specify a section function to nest rows of the table
.section(d => {
const format = d3.format('02d');
return `${d.dd.getFullYear()}/${format((d.dd.getMonth() + 1))}`;
(optional) max number of records to be shown, default = 25
There are several ways to specify the columns; see the data-table documentation. This code demonstrates generating the column header automatically based on the columns.
Use the d.date
field; capitalized automatically
Use d.open
, d.close
Specify a custom format for column ‘Change’ by using a label with a function.
label: 'Change',
format: function (d) {
return numberFormat(d.close - d.open);
Use d.volume
(optional) sort using the given field, default = function(d){return d;}
.sortBy(d => d.dd)
(optional) sort order, default = d3.ascending
.on('renderlet', table => {
table.selectAll('.dc-table-group').classed('info', true);
simply call .renderAll()
to render all charts on the page
Or you can render charts belonging to a specific chart group
Once rendered you can call .redrawAll()
to update charts incrementally when the data
changes, without re-rendering everything
Or you can choose to redraw only those charts associated with a specific chart group
Determine the current version of dc with dc.version
Determine latest stable version in the repo via Github API
d3.json('https://api.github.com/repos/dc-js/dc.js/releases/latest').then(latestRelease => {
/* eslint camelcase: 0 */