WIP - Documentation for dc-v5

dc.js - Dimensional Charting Javascript Library

dc.js is a javascript charting library with native crossfilter support, allowing highly efficient exploration on large multi-dimensional datasets (inspired by crossfilter's demo). It leverages d3 to render charts in CSS-friendly SVG format. Charts rendered using dc.js are data driven and reactive and therefore provide instant feedback to user interaction.

dc.js is an easy yet powerful javascript library for data visualization and analysis in the browser and on mobile devices.

Version Status

This page is running dc.js version

Getting Started

Take a look at the annotated source to the Nasdaq Example shown below.

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The following charts provide an example of dc.js used against 27 years of Nasdaq 100 index data. Although it is just an example, using it you can already ask some interesting questions. If I am going to gamble whether Nasdaq 100 will gain or lose tomorrow what is my chance? Is Friday or Monday the most unlucky day for investors? Is spring better than winter to invest? Can you find the outliers? When did the outliers occur?

Public data source: PiTrading.com.

Try it out or check out these other examples.

Nasdaq 100 Index 1985/11/01-2012/06/29

Yearly Performance (radius: fluctuation/index ratio, color: gain/loss)
Days by Gain/Loss
Day of Week
Days by Fluctuation(%)
Monthly Index Abs Move & Volume/500,000 Chart

select a time range to zoom in

selected out of records | Reset All
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